Reel Memories: View-Master Wedding Favors


Fall/Winter 2013

First introduced at the New York World’s Fair in 1939, Oregon’s own View-Master turns simple photographic images into 3-D dioramas when viewed through the decidedly lo-fi device. Not solely relegated to the toy aisle, these iconic gizmos can turn 2-D wedding photos, save-the-date announcements, or wedding favors into a truly eye-opening experience. Custom View-Masters by Beavercreek-based Image3D creates these bits of handheld fun in a variety of packages and sets that include a viewer, reel and gift box. They’ll even coordinate a custom package to match wedding colors and commemorate the occasion with a personalized label on the front. Guests will love clicking through the photos, which can be left in 2-D with added 3-D captions for a budget-friendly option. One set with reel, viewer and gift box, $29.95. Bulk pricing available.

